IT'S TIME! You have waited long enough, you have petitioned the Most High and Universe long enough, you have cried out to the Creator in the middle of the night when you thought no one could hear you long enough, you have even doubted, had faith, and began to lose it at times all over again because it felt like there was never going to be anything to assist you out of your current situation.
Well Queen, I have good news for you! Our paths have aligned for a reason, you saw my post for a reason, and it's time for you to align with your abundance.
I started a Millionaire Mindset Masterclass in May, that when I received the message from the Most High originally, I did not know was going to grow the way it has nor did I know that I would be providing a safe space for women to cultivate, vent, nurture, and birth their dreams. The MIllionire Mindset Masterclass isn't just about getting large sums of money, even though yes, we do heavily talk about and cultivate the energy, mindset, and reality of increased cash flow. It is also about changing your mindset from the energy of lack and questioning what's going to happen next, to the energy of certainty that your abundance is in route to you. It is about networking and building wealth in an empowering setting that pushes you beyond your fears, beyond your limiting beliefs of what you're able to accomplish and succeed in, that pushes you to do "the thing" that you've been putting off for weeks from fear of the unknown or fear of your own success. The time is NOW beloved, and you've come to the right place.
We will dedicate the next 12 weeks to building the foundation and blueprint for your dream life/business while making sure your desires, ideas, and concepts actually align with your passion and purpose. In the course we will cover:
-The power of manifesting your desires from the mind-heart-womb correlation.
-Clearing the chakras/womb for manifestation.
-Understanding how to attract money, removing the need to "chase it".
-Mastering money investments while getting the opportunity to sit in some of my wealthy circles.
-Have weekly building sessions- positive divine feminine manifestation circles where we build sisterhood, positive vibes, and wealth.
-Your business concept and its relation to your passion.
-Your business concept and how to use it as your purpose.
-Your business concept as your passion and how to make your passion yield you profit.
-Identifying your avatar- Personal vs. Business.
-Identifying your ideal customer/target market.
-Connecting to "your tribe"- Maximizing your social media presence.
-Building your empire's "active" stream of income.
-Building your empire's "passive" stream of income.
-Building your empire's residual stream of income.
-Building an Empire vs. Queendom.
-Chnging the mindset from being consumer to viewing life in the lense of n empress.
-How to generate 10k+ months in your business.
-Work one-on-one with me to build a 3-year wealth projection plan to make all of your long-term goals nd dreams a reality.
This masterclass will be a mix of some LIVE Zoom meetups and some written/video recordings you will gain access to once you purchase the masterclass.
When you purchase the masterclass you will receive 2 emails. The first email will be an invite to join the masterclass which is where you will log in to prepare for the session. There will be 3 days of intention-setting and energy work that will lead up to the opening of the masterclass. The second email will be the guide to the masterclass and will explain the full schedule to you. I am honored you are joining me on this journey and I can't wait to assist you on your journey to a MILLI!
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at
Millionaire Mindset Masterclass
There will be no refunds granted for courses that are purchased. Your purchase of this course is your acceptance of our strict NO REFUND policy as you are purchasing the intellectual property of Yoni Love Herbals and This Red Tent Inc. We will work to the furthest extent to ensure your satisfaction with our product/course should an issue arise. All concerns related to the completion of this course should be forwarded to
In addition, following your purchase you will receive an email notifying you of your admittance into the course, an invite to the course discussion board, and access to the course material. You will receive this information separately in an email as way to ensure you fully understand the course details, are in receipt of our strict "NO REFUND policy which is included in your orientation form, and to protect the interests of both our students and Yoni Love Herbls/This Red Tent Inc.